Philosophy and commitments
“Guillod, the cellar that wants you to be organic”
When Cédric took over the family estate, which has been in existence since 1931, he felt that the time had come to breathe new life into the business. Observing the changes in the world, the Guillod winery is thinking long-term in its choices. Going organic is a given, but the process doesn’t stop there – we have to think about the climate and, above all, our customers! To ensure continuity, the 4th generation of the Cave Guillod dares to think outside the box, and to propose innovations.

Portrait of Cédric
“A cousin of the druid Getafix”
Passionate about quality and sustainability, Cédric Guillod is an organic winemaker dedicated to the art of winemaking. And not only …
Vice-president of Bio Suisse and a local councillor, he sits on a number of boards of directors, contributing his expertise in finance and agriculture. For him, bio & éco go hand in hand with a sustainable economy that honours everyone at their fair value (land and animals included).
He invites you to (re)discover the fascinating world of wine, willingly going behind the scenes of this age-old profession and sometimes revealing his Druid secrets.
The cellar
“It’s not just a place where wine is produced, it’s a place of discovery and learning”.
Here, the eras meet… In the family building in the heart of Praz at the foot of Mont Vully, the business continues and the setting is adapted… The great-grandfather’s wooden wine press is still there. The obsolete borsaris (concrete vats) have been demolished to make way for a barrel cellar and a carnotzet area. Around the bar anchored in the ground, the cellar can accommodate up to 40 people for tastings and various events, by prior arrangement.

The vine
“It is worked with a view to protecting the soil and subsoil,
elements that we believe represent the value of our heritage”.
The Guillod wine estate is located on the highest part of the Vully vineyard, overlooking the other plots nearby, with a splendid view of Lake Morat. The four-hectare single plot borders the Mont-Vully forest.
In this idyllic setting, most of the rows are sloping and others are terraced. Imagine walking through our vineyards with a glass of wine in your hand.
hand, enjoying the nuances of our organic wines. Our “tavolata in the vineyards” is a unique experience.
Our Wines
“The Vully terroir is probably one of the best in the world,
it has to be in every bottle.”
The elegance of the grape varieties and the expression of the vintage are reflected in our wines. The use of barrels gives length and character to the wine, allowing it to evolve over time. Cédric, oenologist and winemaking expert, likes to bring out the acidity in his crus, adding freshness and subtle flavours. The aim is to keep alcohol levels low, so as to leave plenty of room for the aromas of the grapes.

The team
“At Guillod, it’s an affair of the heart”.
You’ll probably see Cédric (if he’s not in a political meeting), and Floriane, his interior decorator companion, will tell you all about the wines on the emotional side. For the record, she’s called Damevin (you can’t make up a name like that to meet a winemaker).
Cédric Marlis’s mum prepares delicious home-made Vully cakes in both sweet and savoury varieties (vegetarian versions are also available), and does a whole host of other things related to the activity.
Goran, the loyal employee, does all the work all year round with joy and good humour.
Pascal, Cédric’s younger brother, helps out when extra hands are needed.
Our customers
“In the end, they are the centre of the story”.
The most important thing for the Guillod team is to share! To share our passion, our care and our values. Loving good things and telling people about them, all these flavours make them even better and we like to reveal the (often hidden) reality with authenticity, which adds that extra touch. Bringing awareness to things is our priority, when you take a sip, you know how it all came about. Our tastings are known to be much more than a simple taste experience, they are a unique opportunity to learn and grow about wine, the vine, organic and much more… Amateurs and enthusiasts come and meet us.