The Vully Charter: For high-quality Freiburger and Traminer grape varieties
Why are Vully’s Freiburger and Traminer wines so popular? The answer is simple: the Vully Charter. This charter was created by the Vully winegrowers‘ and winemakers’ association with the aim of defining the qualitative basis of the Freiburger and Traminer grape varieties from Vully.
2020 harvest
How did the harvest go?
Will the 2020 wine be any good?
How much did the wort sound?
This morning I had the privilege to welcome Laurent Vins-Confédéré.
You will soon find this Swiss wine journalist’s tasting notes on our website.
We tasted the 2019 whites, the 2019 rosé and the 2018 reds.
It was a wonderful moment of sharing.
Health to all and have a good weekend.
Visit to the vineyard – 6 May 2020
Visit to the vineyard
Today I have decided to show you a single image that reflects the attention we give to biodiversity.
We carry out alternate mowing in order to improve the flora and fauna.
Take care.
Visit to the vineyard – 13 May
Visit to the vineyard
The vineyard has grown a lot over the past two weeks. It is doing very well and looking beautiful.
The younger vine is already producing lovely shoots.
Take care.